Virtuality computing with virtualbox

22 May 2014

When I was in the previous millennium with a company, there was only Windows PC as a virtual variant on an older Linux server allowed. Because of a Windows PC was considered potentially highly dangerous and there was no other way to tie this into the corporate network. Only the virtual version of Windows with Linux as the host operating system was allowed.

Partly due to lack of time and partly also that I always used Linux on my older notebooks I did not have to look for the requirements and the time for a solution. Several years have now passed here and the whole market of virtuality computing (VMware, Virtualbox, Parallels, ...) has become huge and has left the nursery long. Currently there are all sorts of actors which drive on the VM market around.

I only want to do a few tests with my notebook and so a free desktop version is quite enough for me. If you are interested in this area, you have to select the criteria by yourself. The decisive for me was, I could run the system on the following hosts (Windows, Linux , Mac OS), it is available for free and the clients can be Windows or/and Linux (please check the licenses for all VM clients).

My final choice falls on Virtualbox, others are even excellent, but my goal is eventually I would like to try out my test on all systems to which I take my three laptop computers and install each with Virtualbox. This runs smoothly, it buzz on the net some examples of this around. As a guest operating system Linux comes in the distribution Lubuntu in question (resources carefully and I need only 512 MB ​​of RAM).

After Lubuntu/Linux is running, I use the Synaptic Package Manager to install Java, Chromium and Netbeans.

A few more notes, system updates and installation of software can be run on Ubuntu/Lubuntu using the following commands (I simplify the process here and show only a few points):

Reread All package lists.
sudo apt-get update

Perform an upgrade to the newly read package lists.
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

However, I need a different version of Java to achieve this I need to include another repository with the following command.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update

In my case I have to install Java 1.7.
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-7-oracle

Java 1.8 would look like this
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-8-oracle

Switch between the Java version with this command:
sudo update-alternatives --config java

In order to establish the chromium-browser as the default browser, this can be done using the following command.
sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser

After everything was done, comes the best part , I can duplicate the virtual machine and start my tests - Ludi incipiant.

The screen resolution is not quite appropriate under some circumstances, for this type the following command.
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-x11

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